Helen Cadbury
Our History and the Christian Connection
It wasn’t easy carrying a Bible in the playground so Helen and her friends had pockets made in their dresses for carrying a Bible or a New Testament. When Helen was 16, the group was called ‘“The Pocket Testament League’ “and it had a membership of 60 girls, now there are over 370,000 members world-wide.
Read more at:
John Flynn
John Flynn was a Christian Missionary who created the Royal Flying Doctor Service. In this application you will learn how Flynn, by trusting God, would become one of Australia's greatest leaders.
The application features:
- Flynn's biography
- a timeline
- a twenty dollar note
- audio re-enactment of some of Flynn's statements
- and plenty more...
This application will take about 20 minutes to complete.

Making note of our Historic Flying Doctor Service
Read this article on John Flynn and the $20 dollar note.
'Women Pioneers of Australia': A/Prof Stuart Piggin
A talk given at the anniversary of the first Christian Service on Australian Soil, 3 February 2019, Richard Johnson Square, Bligh St Sydney
Catherine Hamlin - 90 years
Australian surgeon Catherine Hamlin celebrated her 90th birthday in 2014, and for most people, this would be a good enough reason to slow down.
Gladys Staines - Missionary
Read this article on Gladys Staines and her missionary service to the Indian community.
Alfred Deakin
Learn more about Alfred Deakin here:
Alfred Deakin:
Read some of Deakin’s writing here:
'The boke of praer and praes'
View the Wikipedia article on Deakin here:
Alfred Deakin
Alfred Deakin, Australia's second Prime Minister was one of the worlds greatest orators of his time. He is the Father of Federation and the man who established Australia's early foundations. His only desire was to serve his nation without seeking any titles or honours, he simply wanted to do the will of God. He was as great a leader as Abraham Lincoln, Sir Winston Churchill or Nelson Mandella and Australian's need to honour and be proud of his achievements. He was a humble man who had a deep spiritual connection with the God of the bible which motivated him to say in 1905 "Jesus Christ is the life of the present, the light of the future and the hope of the world"
Watch this video about the life of Alfred Deakin.
To learn more about Alfred Deakin please visit:
Speech on the Reverend Richard Johnson
Speech on the Reverend Richard JohnsonDownload this document to read the speech.
Dr Fred Schwarz: Little Known Australian Who Helped Change World History.
By Graham McLennan
Read more about this little Australian who play a big part in changing world history.
Margaret Court is Australia's most successful and celebrated tennis player of all time. Download the article to learn more.
Download :
Holden Founder a Committed Christian
Read this article to learn more about Henry James Holden – founder of Holden motor car manufacturer and committed Christian.
Ramon William is a hero of Australian Christian Media. Download the article to learn more and view the photo slideshow to learn more.
The Story of John G. Paton
James Chalmers His Autobiography and Letters
By Richard Lovett, M.A.
The Life of John Hunt Missionary to the Cannibals in Fiji
By George Stringer Rowe
The Life Story on an Australian Evangelist
By William George Tayor